Current Project update

-  5/8/17 @ 10:45am
         Honestly, I haven't done much for my project but I am going to get it all done by Friday. Currently, I have finished my proposal and got it approved, I recorded half of a pitch but then I gave up, and I also wrote half of the interview questions. I just need to complete the interview with Ms. Garcia De Leon and complete the reflect on it. Do I have to record the interview? I chose her as my expert because she has the most knowledge out of most of the people I have talked to. I need to find a book at lunch that I can use as a reference, I will have to go to the library and find books about college readiness and on the importance of ACT's and SAT's. Finally, I will have to complete and post the formal reflection to my blog. Hopefully I will end up with 8 full blog posts in the next few days.
           I have procrastinated for way to long and I'm really upset I didn't turn in the few things I should've before the deadline. Going to school and working 30 hours a week us hard especially when you have prom and a bunch of other things you want to participate in to make it worse this is all accompanied by a little case of senior it is. However, I am a great student and I don't fail things. I will fix my grade and make sure that I am graduating in the next 12 or 13 days. I would like to apologize to you, I want you to know that you are a great teacher and the lessons you design are amazing, we are just to stubborn and lazy to do the work. And I don't believe that any of it is your fault, it is on us the get our selves together and complete the year.

-  5/10/17 @ 10:56 am
          Most of my final reflection is completed, it was a struggle writing it because I never really did the project. So I planned out my whole  project and explained what I would have done. I knew where I wanted to go with my project but the steps in between were what was holding me back. I decided just to go with it. I narrowed down exactly what I wanted my project to be and wrote it. It was easy to plan my presentation because I did it based on what I wrote in my final reflection. I  put my key points on the slide so that way I could remember all of them. When it came down to topics like procrastination and what I would do I felt that a title and a picture and maybe a quote would suffice because those were things I wanted to explain not have completely planned out. I completed the project and will present it... I hope it goes well.

- 5/14/17 @ 7:34 pm
           Today was the presentation and I think it went great. I wanted to make sure that even if I didn't do the project people could at least understand what I wanted to do. I feel like my end goal was different from the beginning but more realistic and more specific. I believe the goals that I had set at the end were what I should have wanted to do from the jump. Most of my procrastination was due to the fact that I didn't have a narrow idea about what I wanted to do, so instead of sitting down and figuring it out I just put it off. Now that I've sat down and figured it out i realize how cool this project could've been and how cool the end result would be.

- 5/17/17 @ 3;36 pm
11-7 sat
